In Hummingbird Haven project I wanted to create something that didn’t just inform people about the importance of pollinators but also directly help them. The Hummingbird Haven was focused on our avian friends that pass through Colorado each year during migration season. Creating a one stop shop that had the intention of providing all the necessities hummingbirds need to survive. Providing a water, nectar, nesting materials, sunning spot, and a possible nesting spot. Some that I had to keep in mind was Hummingbird’s behaviors that being they can be very territorial so it's recommended that you have multiple sets or in an area where there isn’t competition. The Hummingbird Haven didn’t only provide benefits to just Hummingbird but also all of our other pollinators just as bees, grasshoppers, beetles and other passing byers. Creating this sculpture had an infusion on sustainability; each material selected was sourced from sustainable outlets.